This lively seaside picture has two wavy line spaces for describing words for the sea: “The sea is … and …”, and there’s a whole line below for further ideas. Young children will enjoy thinking up two words or more to describe the sea and having a go at writing them, before colouring in the waves, sea creatures, sand, bucket and spade and more. Children in my poetry workshops use the sheet with enthusiasm, for both writing and colouring. See my two harder versions too, plus Shells writing sheet: -, (free) and .
Video (looking at shells)
Healthy eating (PSHE) support, helping to nurture a love of fresh fruit. The 3-verse rhyme celebrates oranges, encouraging listeners to eat and appreciate them. The lines are rhythmic, rhyming, punchy, accessible and fun. Read it out loud, chant with class, add in actions or clapping, set to music or percussion, and discuss. Ideally, bring in some real oranges or tangerines for children to handle, peel and taste first.
Young emergent writers will be enthused to think up a word or more to complete the given phrase - My dragon is…, and to have a go at writing it on the line. More words can be added as wanted. Discuss first, drawing out a range of possibilities, e.g. -
hot, red, spiky, scaly, fiery, funny, crazy, scary, friendly, magic, bold, brave, flying, zooming, flappy, and even fire-breathing.
Colouring in the picture afterwards will provide an extra incentive for writing.
Supports literacy, language development, fine motor control, colour differentiation, shape and pattern appreciation, creativity, and the concept of magical creatures (+ flight, fire, castles, travel and more).
Crazy space alien to colour in. Drawn freehand, this whirly, twirly, crazy creature is waiting to leap to life with the first touch of colour. The resource supports Space studies at all primary levels, also serving for pencil control practice, colour sense development and expressive arts and design material.
Development tip: after colouring, suggest children design their own alien, then describe it in words.
See my many other space-themed creative resources too.
This colouring sheet promotes an understanding of wildlife and an appreciation of the natural world, as well as helping young children develop skills such as fine motor control and colour differentiation and application. There is plenty of scope for different colours here, with the patterns on the frog, the drops and patterns in the water and the background grasses, rushes and sun. See my other wildlife colouring sheets too, for a selection.
Seaside writing resource for young children. “Shells can be…” with short, thick writing lines between shell representations for describing words. Supporting guide sheet for teacher also included. Start by handing round some shells, encouraging children to study, feel and listen to them. Discuss their properties, prompting for words like curly, light, hard, smooth, rough, shiny, hollow, round, twisty, pretty, patterned and delicate. Then present sheet, demonstrating how they can have a go at writing their word ideas on the lines. Perhaps try some together on the board first. After the activity, invite all to choose a word to read out or say. The shells can then be coloured or decorated.
This attractive colouring sheet features a boat on a wavy sea, with a waving sailor (female), beautiful fish below, plus shells, seaweed, birds, clouds, sun and kite. A cheerful, stimulating and informative picture, with wide scope for colouring and discussion.
Supports study of seaside, ocean, seabed, seasons, holidays, travel, colour and more. Develops fine motor skills and colour differentiation.
**SEE ALSO: ** - Yr 1 Phonics - UNDER the SEA, UNDER THE SEA graded picture frames -, POND COLOURING SHEET - , + SEASIDE WRITING + COLOURING SHEET - .
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word or more to complete the phrase - This frog is…, and having a go at writing it on the line provided. More words can be added below, as wanted. Encourage sounding out and emergent writing, rather than accuracy, with this writing activity, to build confidence in independent writing. Perhaps prompt for - green, hoppy, wet, patchy, jumpy, friendly, smiling, splashy or croaking, if ideas are needed. See my other simple writing sheets on wildlife themes for more variety.
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word or more to complete the given phrase - I can see… , and having a go at sounding it out and writing it on the line provided. They can then be rewarded with colouring fun, shading in this fascinating picture. For the writing, encourage children to study the picture and identify some of its features first, then let them choose their favourite one or few to write. Examples to prompt for if needed - a snail, a bird, flowers, grass, leaves, sky, the sun, a ladybird. Able writers could be encouraged to add a describing word or other embellishment.
The resource promotes literacy, fine motor control, colour and shape awareness and an appreciation of the natural world.
Children of all ages will love this inspiring, yet simple creative writing frame. The flowing lines between the gliding, twirling dragonflies offer infinite scope for poetic expression. IDEAS: Some children may like to fill the lines with adjectives (glittery, bright, fast, delicate…), others with verbs (darting, gliding, shooting, dancing…); others again might write phrases (like - dazzling dragonflies hovering in the silky blue), similes (fast as jets, bright as bows…), or rhymes (delicate dragonfly/in the azure sky/lightly, brightly zig-zagging by).
PREPARE your class by building ideas and language, perhaps with the help of watching real ones, live or on a video, miming their movements and sharing language ideas.
Supports Literacy, including poetry, vocabulary and creativity. Also supports topics: seasons & weather, mini-beasts, flight, animals, forces, travel, symmetry, colour, movement, environment, and more.
A fun literacy activity, supporting transport, journey and design studies. Recommended for Juniors (7-11 yrs). The illustrated writing sheet invites ideas for colour, name and vehicle features, with wide scope and plenty of writing space for imaginative ideas. Two similes are also invited: as shiny as, and as fast as. Will appeal to boys and girls alike, and to writers of all working levels.
As children colour in this star, in their own way, they’ll focus in on the concept of space, also absorbing and perhaps colouring in the other features in the picture. They’ll develop design technique, creativity, colour differentiation and fine motor control, and enjoy discussing the picture too, so this simple resource offers multiple learning and development potential.
**SEE ALSO: ROCKET colouring sheet ** - + MY STAR IS - .
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word to complete the phrase - This butterfly is…, sounding out their word and having a go at writing it. Colouring the picture could be a reward for their writing effort. Perhaps prompt for words like - pretty, colourful, red, blue, gentle, peaceful, soft, floaty, little, dancing, flappy, happy, beautiful. Let them attempt long words as they wish, building confidence in independent, expressive writing.
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word for the hedgehog, to complete the phrase - This hedgehog…, sounding it out and having a go at the writing. Perhaps prompt for - spiky, shy, prickly, quiet, little, crawly, spiny, brown, hungry, sleepy, friendly, busy or cute. Present the colouring activity as a reward for the writing effort, to ensure children give it a try. This will build their confidence in writing, as well as helping them focus on this animal’s features and natural environment, nurturing an appreciation of the natural world.
Let imagination take off with this exciting rocket writing and colouring sheet. Young children will enjoy choosing one or more items to complete the given phrase - I can see, sounding out the word(s) and having a go at spelling them. If anyone needs idea prompts, perhaps suggest a rocket, stars, sun, moon, spaceman or dog. The colouring part of the activity could be presented as a reward for the writing. This resource promotes literacy, fine motor skills, colour and shape awareness and an understanding of the concept of space and its contents.
Your emergent writers will love choosing an item or more from this lively picture and writing the word in the space provided to complete the phrase - I can see… More words can be added, on the line or below. Where prompts are needed, point to familiar items in the picture, e.g. dog, boy, bus or bird, and help to sound out the word. Colouring in the picture can be a reward for the writing effort. This resource promotes literacy (vocabulary, phonics, independent expression and handwriting), fine motor skills, colour awareness, shading control, and awareness of the world outside. The picture also provides a focus for discussion.
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word to complete the phrase - This squirrel is…, and writing it (by sounding out) on the line provided. Keen writers can add more below. Colouring fun could be presented as a reward for the writing effort.
Word ideas to prompt for, where needed - bushy, furry, grey, red, cute, climbing, skipping, busy, happy, hungry, a baby, young, fluffy, in a tree.
Young children will enjoy thinking up a word or more to complete the phrase - ‘This rabbit has’, and having a go at writing it on the line provided. Colouring in the picture could be presented as a reward for the writing. If word ideas are needed, perhaps prompt for - a tail, ears (or big ears), whiskers, fur, fluff, a smile, grass, flowers (to eat), or 4 paws. Supports literacy, fine motor skills, colour differentiation, creativity and an appreciation of animals and nature.
I also have a frog writing + colouring sheet:
Supports Literacy, PSHE, mental wellbeing and physical exercise, as well as poetry, drama and all-round creative expression. This is a fun writing challenge, involving similes and action words, with scope for enrichment. A monster (s/he) can be any sort you like, with three heads and two tails perhaps, and this one has moods - happy, cross, excited, ?.. How does a monster behave when cross? Do they charge around the monster school, stamping on books like an angry giant? When happy, does s/he glide like an angel, or perform back-flips like a gymnast? The warm-up actions sheet will spur extended ideas. Hand-sketched illustrations.
Young children will enjoy colouring in this busy picture of a pond and its surroundings, including ducks, a frog, creepy-crawlies, grasses, flowers, tree, bird, sun and cloud-strewn sky. The resource offers learning through fun in multiple aspects - fine motor control, colour differentiation, creative expression, understanding and appreciation of nature and wildlife, and the buzzing activities of spring. The picture also offers a discussion focus.